Stolen Hollywood Blockbusters - Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Wedding Crashers and other movies in the industry that were "stolen" by an Organized Crime Syndicate.
The unique experiences and personalities I have encountered in my life time combined with the profound effects of multi-faceted movies have influenced my myriad of now 46 projects, which include a variety of War, Action, Novels, Comedy, History, Dramas, Horror, Suspense Thrillers and Stories based on True Events.
As Creator and Founder of "Chivalry Film Productions" and "Chivalry Films" in 1998. I'm currently developing these ground breaking projects with an innovative dimension and format that will revolutionize the film industry.
Discovery was a crucial factor in these cases that would have exposed Hollywood's Ordganized Crime Syndicate and theft ring that used these stolen federal protected copyrights to unlawfully accrue billions of dollars.
Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers and Wedding Crashers were in fact Stolen Federal Copyrights originally created and owned by Joseph Ardito entitled The Tenant/ The Dysfunctionals/ The Attorneys that were stolen by the theft ring and used unlawfully by the defendants/respondents Organized Crime Syndicate.
The defendants/respondent in a premeditated criminal scheme stole and deprived this plaintiff/appellant of his federal protected copyrights, the defendants in a premeditated scheme to evade a criminal R.I.C.O. relied on corrupted politicians , federdal court judges and justices that allowed Hollywoods Organized Crime Syndicate linked to defendants'respondents production companies to evade billions of dollars in liability nominal , punitive and treble damages .
The predated 1991 Meet the Parents videocassette was a manufactured "fraud", used as a pre-dated copyright title and nothing more. This predated 1991 Meet the Parents videocassette had no written copyright.
All of the characters, scenes & settings used in Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers & Wedding Crashers were in fact unlawfully extracted from this plaintiff/appellant's 5 federal protected copyrights "stolen" by Hollywood's Organized Crime Syndicate .
The 1991 MTP videocassette found in a "black box with no title" was in fact a manufactured fraud used by Pryor, Cashman, Sherman & Flynn as a legal menuever in a fraudulent attempt of protecting Hollywood's Organized Crime Syndicate had evaded a Civil & Criminal R.I.C.O. proceeding due to conflicts of interest in our justice system.
Tracie Coleman & Richard D. Sharp both employees at the Library of Congress acted with intent and premeditation in perjurying their affidavits in an attempt of validating the 1991 MTP videocassett a fraudulent copyright found in a black box to protect Hollywood's Organized Crime Syndicate.
Tracy Coleman & Richard D. Sharp both employees at the Library of Congress acted in concert and collusion by tampering with federal protected copyrights & federal evidence in a blatant attempt of validating a pre-existing manufactured fraudulent 1991 MTP videocassette beingused as to validate a predated fraud in establishing criminal "legal menuever" in an attempt to bar discoverin in the case that would protect Hollywood's Organized Crime Syndicate from criminal and civil liability.
Tracy Coleman & Richard D. Sharp both employed at the Library of Congress were duly responsible for the copying of all the evidence on these copyright cases that were being transfered to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
The plaintiff/appellant's 5 federal protected copyrights were in fact tampered by these criminals as over "35 pages" were missing , destroyed and extracted from plaintiff's 5 federal protected copyrights.
The corrupted decisions in these cases were all made by Clinton's federal court appointed judges and justice that relied on manufactured frauds, sabotage, perjured affidavits,perjured contracts and a theft ring that has infiltrated the Library of Congress, F.B.I., LAPD & United States Attorney General's Office that has compromised America's Judicial Branch of Government and other government agencies.
However, all of the characters, scenes and settings unlawfully used in Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers & Wedding Crashers were in fact "extracted" from this plaintiff/appellant's 5 federal protected copyrights and this can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
The sabotaging of the complaint by attorneys from this plaintiff/petitioner's same law office who in fact participated the theft of this plaintiff/petitioner's stolen federal copyrights knew at all times that all of the characters, scenes and settings used in Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers and Wedding Crashers were in fact extracted from this plaintiff/appellant"s 5 federal protected copyrights that were stolen.
The defense attorneys as well as the Clintons appointed federal court justices, employees at the Library of Congress had all acted in concert and collusion as they knew at all times that the copyright infringement cases would have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, a more stringent burden of proof needed in the civil proceeding leading to a Criminal R.I.C.O. conviction awarding this plaintiff/appellant treble damages.
The Clinton appointed federal court justices in these cases basically relied on fraud , tampered federal evidence, selective bits and pieces of copyrighted materials extracted by career corrupted justices to coincide with the unorthodox, unlawful, criminal legal meneuver by the defense attorneys in assisting the corrupted federal court justices in the barring of discovery that violated due process & 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
The Clinton appointed federal court justices in a deliberate & bias opinion relied on "bits and pieces" of evidence that if taken in full would have proved criminal copyright infringement beyond any reasonable doubt , including and not limited to the frauds, perjured affidavits and felonies committed to secured a corrupted decision.
The federal court justices in these cases barred discovery even though a "79 page comparison sheet" formulated by this plaintiff/petitioner proved beyond any reasonable doubt that all of the characters, scenes and settings were unlawfully used by the defendants/respondents and were in fact extracted from this plaintiff/petitioner's copyrights that were "stolen and unlawfully" used in defendants/respondents movies.
Chivalry Film Productions, et al v. NBC Universal Inc, et al., 05-cv-5627 as a legal ruling will never change the fact that these decisions were in fact corrupted and manifested by crimes, frauds, felonies, political connections and corruption in our court system creating a total miscarriage of justice. These unlawful decisions through public exposure will eventually be reversed!
Any judge using these cases in an attempt of validating this decision or any other decision relating to these cases continues to create an "Abomination Of The Law". The alleged 1991 Meet the Parents predated videocassette copyright is a "fraud" and "not credible" used as a title and nothing more! It had been tampered and planted by the theft ring and was part of a premeditated scheme unlawfully used by the defendants attorneys with the intent of manipulating and distorting the decisions in these cases.
The Facts "Organized Crime Syndicate"
1. Gregg Glienna and Mary Ruth Clarke the alleged owners of the 1991 MTP Videocassette came into possession of this plaintiff/appellant's federal protected through a "Theft".
2. The alleged Producer "Sodenburg" is linked to the 1991 Meet the Parents videocassette. The defendants/respondents through a premeditated scheme had been in possession of this plaintiff/appellants federal protected copyrights and knew at all times that the copyrights were in fact "stolen".
Sodenburg and the defendants/respondents had through a premeditated scheme unlawfully used this plaintiff/appellants federal protected copyrights that were "Stolen" and devised a criminal scheme with its members of the "Organized Crime Syndicate" to pre-date a fraudulent 1991 MTP videocassette that was used as title and nothing more, in a blatant attempt of evading criminal liability, civil liability with the objective and intent of barring "discovery".
Discovery in this case was the linchpin and crucial factor that would have led to the prosecution, exposure and convictions of the members linked to the "Organized Crime Syndicate".
3. The defendants/respondents - NBC Universal Inc. et al, knew at all times that they were in possession of this plaintiff/petitioner's federal protected copyrights and have taken an active role and steps in participating in this criminal scheme of this "Organized Crime Syndicate" by preparing and producing fraudulent documents that were needed and offered into evidence in an attempt to validate the "fraudulent" 1991 MTP videocassette.
4. The defendants/respondents with intent and premeditation deliberately perpetrating numerous crimes , felonies & frauds in an attempt to validate a fraudulent copyright and sustain corrupted decisions by Clinton appointed federal justices with the intent of subterfuging their the stolen federal protected copyrights crimes they believed were corroborating by career corrupted Clinton appointed federal court justices that through violations of the law protected Hollywood's Organized Crime Syndicate that has evaded all civil and criminal liabilities by fraudulently relying on the manufacturing of fabricated evidence that would illegally bar "discovery" a crucial factor in the case that would deny due process and the 14 Amendment of the constitution.
5. Dr. Rico Semonini an employee at NBC Universal and an employee at the same law firm as plaintiff/petitioner came into possession of this plaintiff/appellant's federal protected copyrights through an interval of "thefts" without the consent or permission of this plaintiff/petitioner. A physical theft occurring at Dr. Rico Semonini's house on August 21st, 1998 was reported to the Los Angeles. Police Report No. 980626165.
6. NBC Universal Inc. et al., the defendants/respondents were all in possession of this plaintiff/petitioner's federal protected copyrights through "thefts" without consent or permission.
7. John Hamburg the alleged writer of both Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers attended undergrad with attorneys from this plaintiff/petitioner's same office. John Hamburg is a writer "fraud" along with the other writer frauds claiming authorship by copyright thefts!
These defendants/respondents and their writers are copyrights "THIEVES and "FRAUDS" that claimed authorship of federal protective copyrights that were "stolen" and unlawfully used without express permission or consent of this plaintiff/petitioner.
John Hamburg is linked and connected to the "Organized Crime Syndicate" as is Dr. Americo Semonini, Steven Sodenburg and other members of the defendants/respondents in these cases they are all linked to the theft and " Organized Crime Syndicate".
8. These defendants/respondents had known at all times that this plaintiff/petitioner's copyrights were "stolen" and through a premeditated scheme devised, in an unconscionable plan and manner to evade criminal and civil prosecution by perpetrating numerous crimes, felonies, frauds that led to the tampering of federal evidence, perjuring affidavits, attorneys involved in the theft actually help formulate the complaint with the intent of sabotage due to their own criminal involvement concerning the thefts, the planting and back dating of the alleged 1991 MTP fraud a pre-existed videocassette copyright. This was used as a title and nothing more!
These legal maneuvers were premeditated and intentionally devised in a blatant attempt to block "discovery" in the court, that would expose the political connections and the corrupted officials in our government that are destroying a fair and impartial justice system.
9. The complaint was formulated by this plaintiff/appellant with the assistance of attorneys from the "same law office" that with intent and premeditation have unethically sabotaged parts of the complaint due to there involvement in the "theft" and ties to the "Organized Crime Syndicate".
The judges in his decisions relied on bits and pieces of the complaint that these same attorneys sabotaged with the intent of manipulating and distorting the decisions. These attorneys are tied and connected to the Organized Crime Syndicate and were involved in the intervals of thefts of this plaintiff/appellants federal protected copyrights that were stolen.
10. The defendants/respondents in the summary judgment motion, did not oppose any opposition or affidavits concerning the "Theft of the Stolen Copyrights" relating to the transportation of stolen federal goods interstate and international, fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, and did not oppose the police report in essence the defendants/respondents did not "answer or oppose" anything concerning the "theft" of this plaintiff/appellants federal protected copyrights.
11. The 79 page comparison sheet formulated "after" the complaint clearly demonstrated and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that all of the characters, scenes and settings were stolen by defendants/respondents and used unlawfully clearly demonstrating and proving that the defendants/respondents were in fact guilty of the theft, "Verbatim Copying and Plagiarism". These facts are indisputable.
12. Discovery in this case was a "crucial factor" in exposing the "Organized Crime Syndicate" and its members, that have been protected by political connections, frauds, perjured affidavits, tampered federal evidence, and corruption in our court system.
These copyrights were "stolen" through intervals of time - January, 1997 , April 15th, 1998 and August 21st, 1998
In a nutshell the defendants/respondents' have through political connections, crimes, frauds, perjured affidavits, tampered federal evidence, sabotaging of the complaint by attorneys linked and tied to the "Organized Crime Syndicate", and the corruption in the court system that violates due process and our constitution!
The public should be aware that this case has set a precedent of illegal means in obtaining decisions. This not only violates a code of ethics in the legal system in this country but violates legal systems in other countries that are signatories to the "Berne Convention" a treaty designed to help enforce the laws of copyright infringements in the world.
In essence these manifested decisions rely on crimes, fraud, felonies, perjury, tampered federal evidence and corruption that is destroying due process and a "fair and impartial system of justice all over the world".
These defendants/respondents are : NBC, Twentieth Century Fox, Dreamworks, and other studios listed as defendants/respondents in the "litigation" label to the left on scroll to the bottom of the page and see the "caption to the complaint". These defendants/respondents have intentionally ridiculed and violated a "fair system of justice" through political connections, crimes, frauds and corruption because they believe they are above the law.
The District Court and United States Court of Appeals have violated due process, the 14th Amendment of the constitution and a "fair and impartial proceeding" by relying on crimes, fraud, felonies, perjured affidavits, tampered federal evidence and corruption in our court system as well as the Library of Congress and other federal agencies in the United States. These defendants/respondents are without conscience, ill willed and part of an "Organized Crime Syndicate" that has continually evaded prosecution and exposure all because of political connections and corruption in our court system that is destroying and plaguing a "fair system of justice". This has to be eradicated and abolished in the interest of justice.
Please!! Tell friends, co-workers and family members.. Spread the news to stop the "political connections, crimes, frauds and corruption" in our legal System that causes prejudice, bias, and the destruction of a fair system of justice in the United States.